Stored Solar is developing and producing extraordinary power systems and contributing to global energy solutions. The potential is enormous and the task is daunting. We look for talented and inspired people who have a wide range of interests and a passion for bringing new ideas to life.
New hires will likely have advanced degrees or significant experience working in a specific field, but they're not specialists. We look for people with at least one deep area of expertise and a broad reach of other skills and experiences to draw on, whether from past employment experience or personal endeavors. Good candidates offer more than a list of former jobs they've had or courses they've taken. What you've accomplished outside of work may tell us as much as what you've done as someone else's employee. Your cover letter can be used to help tell us more about you; things that may not come through on your CV. POSITIONS: There are currently no open positions, but we review CVs as we get them and will fill some positions from these candidates if availability suits. Cover letter and CV may be sent to
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